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H. Breiter Ltd.

Canadian service provider

The 56-year-old Canadian company H. Breiter Window Cleaning Ltd. based in Toronto, ON launched a comprehensive redesign of its internal processes and external image in January 2016. This also included the complete redesign of the company website.

This project was last updated on July 27, 2020.

A work by Saskia Teichmann
Posted on April 6, 2016
H. Breiter Ltd.
Service provider ∙ Homepage ∙ International ∙ WordPress
H. Breiter Window Cleaning

 Jennifer Breiter, General Manager, decided to work with me after a few consultations and commissioned me to work on this challenge. Only rudimentary content was available, the previous web design was very outdated and unfortunately not mobile-optimized or responsive. I developed a color theme in line with H. Breiter's corporate identity and chose the modern and solid font "Futura", which is also used in the company logo, for the overall uniform appearance of the new website. The aim was to immediately convey a trusting feeling of contemporary, authentic professionalism to the visitor.

Within four weeks, the new content was compiled, the design was created, the programming was developed and finally the brand new WordPress website was published. The new website has been available to the huge customer base of around 10,000 H. Breiter customers and potential new customers since the end of January 2016!

Links were created with the social network profiles on Facebook, Twitter and (at that time) Google+ and the content provided there was adapted. A common thread was now visible throughout the entire web presence of H. Breiter Window Cleaning Ltd.

In addition to the web programming, text, image and theme design, a server was to be set up specifically for this project. Thanks to the trustful cooperation, they relied completely on my expertise and I chose the right hosting provider (Digital Ocean Canada) and server and installed a setup specially optimized for WordPress.


  • Web design & conception
  • Text development and research
  • Image editing and selection
  • HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript
  • Responsive web design - adapts to the screen size and enables optimal display on smartphones, for example
  • Gimmick: Cost calculator
  • Search engine optimization
  • Web 2.0: Setup, design and population of profile pages on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.
  • Server installation and setup: LEMP stack with the following configuration
    • Linux: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
    • Web server: nginx 1.9.10
    • Database: Maria DB 10.1.11
    • PHP 5.6.18-8
    • SSL with Qualys Labs A+ configuration
  • Individual service and maintenance contract (website technology, content and server maintenance)


- H. Breiter Ltd.

<span class="castledown-font">Saskia Teichmann</span>

Saskia Teichmann

A WordPress full stack web developer from Germany who likes to create beautiful websites and sophisticated web projects.

In her free time, Saskia enjoys hiking with her family in the Tramuntana mountains on Mallorca, walking in the Herrenhausen Gardens in Hanover or swimming in the sea.

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