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Data cloud GDPR-compliant? An alternative to Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive and the like.

Seafile and a server hosted in the EU make it possible.

In order to meet the concerns of data protection officers and my customers as well as the provisions of the GDPR, I changed the cloud infrastructure of my office: a self-hosted server in Germany in combination with Seafile was the best solution for me.

This article was last updated on March, 21 2023.

Written by Saskia Teichmann
on November 2, 2021
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Dropbox alternative with Seafile

I have integrated the Dropbox cloud service into my infrastructure for many years:
All backups, customer assets (graphics, images, text files and documents, Excel lists and database exports) that were required for the development of web projects were saved in my Dropbox.
It was easy to share data with my clients using the Dropbox sharing functionality. Collaboration on documents was possible and much more.

So as a freelance developer, I bought a business plan from Dropbox: the Professional plan with 3TB storage volume and lots of great features.

Dropbox - Subscriptions in comparison

After the new GDPR regulations came into force in the EU in May 2018, I contacted Dropbox customer service to find out how I could use Dropbox as a business customer in a GDPR-compliant manner in future. I was informed that solutions would be made available shortly.

In fact, however, the EU Privacy Shield agreement was ultimately only invoked and no solution was provided. For companies and individual businesses based in the EU, it ended up being a legal gray area. To this day, Dropbox refers to this in its privacy policy to the resolution passed on 16.07.2020 by the ECJ invalidates EU Privacy Shield with legal effect.

- Data cloud GDPR-compliant? An alternative to Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive and the like.

Although EU standard contractual clauses have now been integrated into Dropbox's data protection guidelines, this is unfortunately not sufficient for Dropbox to be used as a German company. The locations of the servers on which the data is stored must also be in the EU. And it is precisely this data migration to a server in the EU that Dropbox only offers under the following conditions:

  1. You must subscribe to at least the Business Standard tariff
  2. At least 10 users must be booked
  3. A subscription with annual billing must be taken out

The Dropbox in my Business Professional plan with only one user is not sufficient for this. The annual price for Business Professional is € 198.96 / year, but the annual price for the above-mentioned minimum tariff for "somehow" GDPR-compliant operation of Dropbox is at least € 1200 / year.

I only received this information from Dropbox Business Support a few days ago. I then researched ways to still be able to use Dropbox in a GDPR-compliant way - even without being able to migrate my data to the EU. In the process, I found a very promising tool called Boxcryptor. Boxcryptor first encrypts the data before storing it in Dropbox. The operating company has its headquarters and server location in Germany, an ISO/IEC 27001:2013-certified data center and can also securely encrypt the data that is to be stored in iCloud, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive and many other US cloud providers (currently 30 providers are supported) in advance, thus protecting it from unauthorized access. Info about Boxcryptor

Boxcryptor also offers a sharing service that makes it possible to share encrypted files via a share link - very similar to the native Dropbox file sharing function. The Sharing service from Boxcryptor is called Whisply and works browser-based.

A great idea in itself and very functional. But I found this "workaround" cumbersome during testing. And my customers were still not guaranteed an EU server location. However, some insisted on this.

So there was only one option for me: ditch Dropbox and store my work data on a self-hosted server in Germany. So I went in search of an open source cloud storage script that would

  • has a release feature on board,
  • that I can run on my own server,
  • that is accessible from my other devices via app and
  • ensures perfect synchronization.

My software solution is called "Seafile". Up to a maximum of 3 users can use the Pro version with a free license. But also for small and larger teams Seafile price interesting.

I registered a user account on and got access to the source files, the Github repository of Seafile and the extensive documentation. I then set up a LEMP stack on one of my root server at the company Netcup GmbH (Simply enter the voucher code for new customers worth € 5 during the order process: 36nc16160577660) in Karlsruhe for use with Seafile: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Nginx, MariaDB, a subdomain with a proxy setup for Seafile, PHP 7.4 and 8.x were also installed in addition to the Python libs required for the tool.

I then installed Seafile on the prepared server and put my new GDPR-compliant company cloud into operation. I removed all the data from my Dropbox, moved the data on my local computer to the new Seafile directory and started the synchronization. Both the installation and the setup went smoothly and without any problems.

Addendum on 18.11.2021: Even now, after some time of productive use, I am still very satisfied with this solution. It works flawlessly and is even much faster and better performing than my Dropbox ever was when syncing.

Addendum on 21.03.2023: In the meantime, I have found a data protection-compliant cloud solution for less tech-savvy users. The product Storage Share from Hetzner - e.g. 5TB pre-installed Nextcloud for only € 16.89 / month.

What do you think about these solutions? How have you solved the cloud storage issue in your company?
I look forward to your answers in the comments section.

<span class="castledown-font">Saskia Teichmann</span>

Saskia Teichmann

A WordPress full stack web developer from Germany who likes to create beautiful websites and sophisticated web projects.

In her free time, Saskia enjoys hiking with her family in the Tramuntana mountains on Mallorca, walking in the Herrenhausen Gardens in Hanover or swimming in the sea.

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